

Send or request payments at any moment using our instant messenger. There are no fees for sending or receiving payments.

Send or Request Money

You can send or request money from any user instantly via messenger at any moment. Just press the “$” button in messenger to get started. There are no fees, no commission charges and no hidden costs for sending or receiving payments – we are the only online talent platform that is completely free to use.

Payment Methods

In order to send money you must add a valid method of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and debit cards. We do not accept gift cards or prepaid cards as valid forms of payment.

Withdrawal of Payments

You can withdraw received funds directly to your preferred account. Add your personal and bank account information, including your account and routing numbers, to ensure accurate payment. From there, simply enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw and select your bank account. Withdrawing funds is completely free - we don't take any fees from our users.