Languages: English
Member since: November 28, 2016
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My resume

  • Poetry
  • Writing
  • Writing
  • Creative writing

Ghost Writer, Song Writer, New Age Writer Etc. I Love to write about life, observations, Different genres of Stories, occasional reviews and just about anything I can get my hands on writing, I prefer Substance and originality with a splash of color and much imagination, add some feeling but not too much and we throw it in the blender we call life and we call that creative writing. I can write plenty more but I rather just show what I have in store. I am Currently reworking on a few small stories I will be turning into books. NYZ, Universe Z(Horrors) BJ(Based on True Events of a Girl who went through sexual Hell and back.) City Stalka (Anti-Heros Hero based on a story I wrote as a kid, it has aliens and explains a lot on life, Aliens, Gods and Human Natures, how does this become an anti Heroes Hero, Wait till I'm done, read and find out.) Also The Bachelor Chronicles which is based on events of a Person who gives rules on relationships and stories to back them up, very intense and explicit and a few others shorts. With no time to write my own Stories and working on music and other projects I am looking to get those out eventually (any help or sponsors who want original stories can have a discussion with me about those and I can elaborate and give examples of my work.) Until then let me help you make money as you help me make money, I rather help people with their stuff because I like to give creative ideas and know I will work on my own eventually before I die plus will invest in my ideas to bring them to life. I just started helping someone do a children's book, a series that is very original I helped co create so I am working on that but love to write and I feed off ideas and stories to create so FEEED MEE MOOORE. ~FIN~ I have also have been winning Poetry awards, since 1st Grade and even a story Published in Scholastic news in 2nd grade, and have been getting recognized for my creativity ever since with more awards and acknowledgements.