My resume

  • Blogger
  • Proofreading
  • Writing

I am a highly intelligent, essentially eloquent writer, editor, and proofreader. My style is flexible, but I've mostly gotten paid to be a snarky millennial woman. I am an alumnus of two top schools, UChicago and Columbia, and have still made the astonishingly poor decision to become a writer and eventually die of starvation in a garret. In order to delay said starvation as long as possible, I have worked as a teacher, blogger, and social media mogul. I am a top notch researcher, having gotten at least that much from my time at a staggeringly expensive Ivy League, and am also a giant nerd who consumes knowledge for the sake of knowledge. I have experience in mental health advocacy and scientific research. If you want a smart, driven, mildly amusing person on the case, just ask for Maya. I'll be here.