Writer, Proof-Reader, Editor, Graphic Designer. Words are my forte. Stringing them together to create lovely assemblages is an art achieved through having an intimate relationship with them and constantly nourishing them through any avenue that you can.

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My resume

  • Editing
  • Writing
  • Writing
  • Play writing

I grew up in a small NJ town located right on the bay. The town had a certain unique, underground fame due to it's association to the cult favorite movie and characters of the same name, Jay and Silent Bob. The local Quick Stop is where another Leonardo (prior) inhabitant, director and writer, Kevin Smith filmed his first his movie...it became the iconic backdrop for,"Clerks". I remember, regularly - going to the "Quick Stop" and seeing cars from out of state with their passengers, gawking and/or taking pictures in front of the store. It was such a daily occurrence that I learned to overlook this unusual tourist attraction and it became a part of the everyday scenery of living in, Leonardo. It was residing in this small town with an eclectic background and a crystal clear view of the Big Apple on a sunny day that made me interested in film-making, writing and music. I endlessly wrote short screenplays and stories growing up - filming, acting and directing some of them with my cousins. I am particularly fond of one such movie titled,"Ape Of Wrath". Exactly as the name implies, the movie follows a murderous...ape. Called, Ape. The Ape desires to take over the world and naturally sets out on a rampage in order to do so. Due to limited cast and crew - the Ape is played by multiple people...causing the size of the ape to grow or shrink by a foot from scene to scene. I was well aware of the comedy in this and embraced the discrepancies. My love for comedic writing was born amid boredom, limited supplies and no budget for the usual toys that children occupy their time with. When you have little to work with - you are forced to entertain yourself and the people around you by creating your own magical worlds. I started learning more about the art of film, writing and even editing - dedicating most of my time to the aforementioned. Publishing my works first in school newsletters and local publications. After College and receiving an Associate in Arts degree, I was hired as an editor at a publishing company...still dabbling in film making and music by this time. Today, I have a freelance writing career and play bass in a hard rock/punk band. I am looking to continue as I am, living off of my art and skills.