Languages: Russian, French, Spanish, English
Member since: December 13, 2016
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My resume

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • FIlm
  • Animation
  • 3D Generalist
  • Photo-Retoucher
  • Social Media
  • Web design
  • Writing
  • Writing
  • Musician
  • Graphic design

Hello, My name is Joseph Aleman and I am a Creative Web and Graphic Designer. Often I ponder life's mysteries and attempt to interpret my answer into a tangible form. My life has always been about asking questions, and looking for the solution through research and study. I am 28 years old I have seen and experienced so much in my life that I am seldom ever faced with a task I dont feel comfortable with. Panorama City California the place I was born on December 20th 1987. As a child, raised by a single mother that had me when she was 16 years old; my brother a year after, we slept in cars for a good portion of our childhood. It was one thing that kept us alive (not just physically) and united was art and music. My mother surrounded herself and her two boys with artists and musicians. I watched very little television growing up, but I always had a piece of paper and a pencil to draw or write with. A few months after I had turned 9 was when I began what would be my life long foray into the land of computers and technology. My mother brought home a Macintosh Performa 5215CD. I was fascinated and mesmerized by this machine from the gods. A young me, would often sit at this terminal and click away endlessly at all the settings and programs, until we got a free trial for AOL in the mail. The web opened a door within myself that never closed. My love of the web never ceased as i got older but my touch with the outside world began to fade considerably. I was an outcast during high school but a change had begun to show on the horizon when I started going to college at the Art Institute of California - Hollywood. There were so many people there that seemed to understand my pain. I connected with a few instructors and keep contact with many still. It was through collaboration and critical thinking that made me the artist I turned into; I worked and studied very hard every day, every class. I Received awards for being on the Dean's List every semester for the most part. My art, music and love for technology began to attract others to me because I could see past the lines that divide left and right brain-ed people.It wasn't long after school that I had gotten married... Fast Forward a few years, a lot of self-education and experience later, I became an unemployed designer living in Pacoima with 2 kids and a wife to support. It was late in the year 2012, I had been overlooked and counted out, for some time. I decided to work for myself and create art work, music and technology for any person or company in need independently. At first it was very difficult on my own, all of my professional contacts were from school and friends I kept contact with online. I initially started there but hit a wall when my income was not nearly enough to get by on. A friend of mine from High School who started an IT company approached me with the idea of partnering up. It was exactly what I needed to push me into the industry. He could offer his IT and Phone services and I could offer my Multimedia services for all of our clients. We were successful for a few years and even expanded from a small workstation in his house into an actual office with a meeting room. Eventually business got really slow for us. I'd like to think apart of our problem was that neither of us were businessmen.By September of 2016 the business we worked to create was finished and we had to move out of the office. The cost of running the business became too much of a burden on both us. It was during this time that he decided to get out of the freelance business and work for another company. Who am I now? I am a go-getter, with drive. . I can roll my sleeves up and get my hands dirty, I can admit when I am wrong or ignorant, any person I have ever worked with would tell you that I am a good guy with a great heart and a drive for success as well as a passion for my craft. I deliver good on my word and I put my heart into every project I touch.