Languages: Spanish, English
Member since: December 08, 2016
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My resume

  • writing
  • copyediting
  • copywriting
  • proofreading
  • editing
  • non-english speaking
  • spanish
  • ESL
  • blogging
  • social media
  • ghostwriting
  • web content
  • SEO
  • Blog writing
  • Screen writing
  • Business writing
  • Proofreading
  • Editing
  • Technical writing
  • Writing
  • Writing

Hey, internet! I'm a word wizard here to help you with all your writing needs. Let's be real - not everyone enjoys writing. You sit down to create a blog or social media post for your emerging business, to create content for your website, or to write a personal essay or proposal, and the blank computer screen seems like it's laughing in your face. You have a job to do, money to make, and better things to do than take this kind of harassment from Microsoft Word. Allow me to take the pressure off. Let me handle the words and get back to doing what you do best. It's what I love to do, and it's what I'm good at. I have a wide range of styles from tongue-in-cheek puns to technical and informative writing, and offer both proofreading, editing, and content creation. If English is NOT your first language, I'm happy to help edit your content to make it sound native, effortless, and entirely professional. Look forward to working with you :)