Member since: November 21, 2016
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I currently serve as President of the U.S-Panama Business Council and partner at Prometheus Capital Partners, a holding consisting of global companies looking to expand into Latin America. I live in New York City and have deep relationships in both the United States and Latin America. My current relationships expand throughout both the private and public sector across the Americas giving me a competitive advantage when identifying opportunities and helping companies implement potential strategies within these economies. Current sectors I am currently working in include and are not limited to energy, real estate, consumer, infrastructure, healthcare and education. For more than a decade, I have worked with numerous companies within the sectors previously mentioned making me well-versed in distinct areas affecting countries and their overall growth. I would like to continue my work with companies and investors seeking to expand into the Latin American region expanding my role and impact and vice versa assist individuals and companies looking for an entry into the U..S market whether through both private and public sector channels. I am fluent in both English and Spanish.