Member since: November 25, 2016
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My resume

  • Writing
  • Marketing
  • Writing tutor
  • Screenwriting
  • Academic tutoring
  • Writing
  • Creative writing
  • Tutoring

I graduated from CSU, Northridge with a BA in Cinema & Television Arts with emphasis in Screenwriting. Years after receiving my Bachelor degree, I was able to take classes at a junior college in various fields of interest. I have Associate degrees in Business Management, Marketing, Journalism, and Social & Behavioral Sciences. I recently completed an MFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment and I am currently working as a long-term substitute teacher. To be honest, I wasn’t always the greatest student. I always loved to learn but didn’t necessarily like school. However, with some help and perseverance I discovered how to be a successful student and that’s precisely why I think I’ve been a successful tutor and teacher. I know what it’s like to be bored and unmotivated or to let confusion or disorganization get in the way of proper learning. Some students have trouble learning specific subject matter because it is truly difficult for them; others just need help to improve study skills. Many need to work in both of these areas. My job is to figure out what a student needs and how to address the issue to make sure they are learning and progressing. I have seen some marvelous progress in my students over the years. I have worked with every age and grade from Kindergarten to college students in their sixties. I enjoy getting to know people—and I consider my students people, not jobs to be completed. I love to assess each student’s strengths and weakness, interests, and what motivates or excites them. Then we progress together to present academic information in an engaging way that seems less like work and more like fun discovery. My favorite part is conducting another assessment after our tutoring time is done and seeing not just the academic progress, but also the growth in self-confidence. Convincing a student that he/she really can overcome challenges is incredibly gratifying. I really enjoy working with students of all ages. I guarantee to increase understanding, improve grades and raise test scores.