Member since: November 11, 2016
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My resume

  • Illustrating
  • Marketing
  • Editing
  • Writing
  • Transportation
  • Writing
  • Moving

I am a native of Sonoma County, California, and a lifelong lover of words, books and writing. I have written sports blogs, food articles, many non-fiction posts on various social media sites and a couple of non fiction books. I am a 57 year old man with some of my best years still in front of me, I believe. I studied foreign languages for over 30 years, and these studies have served to strengthen my English language skills immeasurably. I have been a voracious reader of just about anything since my early teen years, and have found no end of entertainment in all kinds of authors, styles and genres. I believe my most marketable strength is my flexibility and ability to write in just abut any format, for any platform. I have worked on memoirs, short novels, short stories and lots of non fiction and "how to" projects. I like to keep things very clear and succinct because I believe clear communication is the one thing that separates us from lower life forms. Without clear, concise communication, we are no better than cavemen, in my opinion. I am, as a lifelong Californian, very concerned with our environment, resource (water and energy) conservation, and moving forward in as green a manner as reasonably possible. I believe we need to move away from fossil fuels and our dependence on the motor vehicle, sooner than later. I have written on the value of public transportation and of our need to rely less on the personal vehicle, which takes us, one at a time to our destination, wasting fuel while providing a level of laziness not readily apparent in other countries/societies. The USA is the greatest country on this planet, and it is in dire trouble of crumbling due to this level of laziness and extreme comfort we enjoy every day. Ride the bus just once instead of driving your 2014 Altima to work, for example. Walk to the store, once, instead of driving and see the world around you for a change. We as Americans have it all, and more, yet we continue to waste resources at such an extravagant rate as to make people in other countries cringe in horror. I am an accomplished letter writer and have had great success over the years in this arena. I have been editing my own works for just about as long as I have been creating them, and though the occasional typo slips through, I consider myself unchallenged in my excellence in this skill. Due to my foreign language expertise, I am an extremely flexible and variable prose man. I understand why it is incorrect to say "between the three of us" and why one should use a singular verb or article with the words "everyone" and "everything". These are just a couple of easy examples designed to illustrate my working knowledge of the language we use; there is much more where those came from. I have been struggling with unemployment and poverty for many years now, and through it all I have been writing, trying to find writing work, and writing more. I hope to make something happen, and that right soon!