I am a member of the Navajo Nation born for the Lithuanian peoples. I have a MBA in business management. I am the former director of the Navajo Nation Economic Development and Government Development Divisions. I am a partner in several successful ventures including TribeAwaken.com, Tribes.Humans.Net and NavajoPower.com. I am also served as program director at Grand Canyon Trust for 15 years and board chair of the Black Mesa Water Coalition. I come from a culture that is at a cross roads: to become fully developed like the outside world or to retain our heritage. I am working to help our culture-based businesses such as hogan (traditional Navajo home) bed & breakfasts, premium organic Navajo lamb cooperatives and a processing center (Navajo lamb has a 500 year tradition) gain new types of impact investment. Also, I am working to help our communities gain maximum benefits from utility scale solar projects where they provide leadership and help negotiate the power purchase agreements. I also work to help save our indigenous knowledge systems. This has ensured our survival for over 30,000 years in the Americas. Much of this knowledge was critical to helping cultivate over 70% of the world's foods and hundreds of our key medicines. This knowledge is still rich but starting to be lost and not re learned by the younger generations. As such, my program supports tribal community efforts to develop projects that support relearning such as around time tested farming techniques that are fully organic and use little to no water irrigation. I look forward to finding ways to partner with like minded professionals that have a similar vision and want to collaborate.

Languages: English, Navaho
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My resume

  • Community economic planning
  • High level renewable energy development education and strategy
  • Culturally based success coaching
  • Strategic project management

For an intro to the type of success coaching, listen to: https://clyp.it/3yx3aofc For the community economic work, listen to: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/method-to-the-madness-tony-skrelunas-11-10-17/id962167772?i=1000394769900&mt=2 For an introduction to my work in saving our cultural traditions, see the following two videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4nRJD8Q-xw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1qE8gXN-Ts