Member since: November 28, 2016
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My resume

  • Photography
  • Photography

HELLO! My name is Bianca Josaphat and I'm a 18 year old amateur photographer from Boston who wants to inspire the world. I love photography more than anything in this world. I have been taking pictures since i was a little kid and two years ago when I bought my first DSLR, photography became very important part of my life. I tend to spend all my free time going around Boston/ New England taking pictures. I love the stunning architecture, the tidy countryside landscape of New England as well as modern metropolitan area of Boston. For me photography can change the world. One photograph can inspire many to make a difference. Photography has always helped me express my thoughts on social, political, and economic predicaments in this country. Photography gives me a safe medium with which to express my thoughts and anger,My photographs are a great way to see the world through my eyes. Photography puts my observations and opinions out there which I hope can make a huge difference.